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,,Sexual harassment in workplace”

Women`s Association of Slovakia as the Co-ordinator at the national level within The Partnership for the elimination of unequality and as the organization responsible for monitoring and evaluation at European level within D.E.E.P. – Development of Experiences in Equality Projects realizes project financed by European Social Fund and Community Initiative IS EQUAL titled “Sexual harassment in workplace”.

The project is aimed to change public attitudes and elimination of sexual harassment through the sensibilization of employers and increase in knowledge of employees about forms and consequences of sexual harassment.

Specific aims:

  • To increase the knowledge of public about sexual harassment,
  • To persuade the policy makers that the gender mainstreaming is needed,
  • To increase gender sensibilization in the policy of Trade unions,
  • Promoting gender sensibilization through the examples of best practice to help to the victims, employers and Trade unions.


  • Monitoring of sexual harassment incidence,
  • Information campaign for general public,
  • Gender awareness raising courses,
  • Counselling in the field of sexual harassment (for victims, employers and Trade unions),
  • Monitoring of adjusted results,
  • Dissemination of knowledge (leaflets, discussions, publications, international conferences and meetings)

Actual information about these activities will be published on this website. During this project have been created two offices, in Bratislava and in Zvolen, which arrange free psychological and legal consulting in case of the sexual harassment in workplace. The victims of sexual harassment in workplace are the victims of discrimination on grounds of sex and therefore they need psychological and legal assistance.

The Partnership for the elimination of unequality
(national co-operation)

The Partnership for the elimination of unequality rose in spring 2005 as a result of negotiations between Women`s Association of Slovakia, Commission for Gender Equality in the Confederation of Trade Unions, Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Banska Stiavnica and Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Zvolen with target to realize a project “Sexual harassment in workplace”.

Partnership is aimed at building a close cooperation between organizations which works in the field of practice of profession, in the field of hiring the employees and non-governmental organization working in the area of women and children rights and equal opportunities.

Women`s Association of Slovakia arranges open wide discussions and lectures about this topic for its members.

The courses about gender awareness raising and extensive information campaign for employers and employees is realized through The Commission for Gender Equality in the Confederation of Trade Unions.

Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Banska Stiavnica and Zvolen act as a contact place for people which were discriminated on grounds of sex in the conditions for access to job.

D.E.E.P. – Development of Experiences in Equality Projects (transnational cooperation)

D.E.E.P. – Development of Experiences in Equality Projects rose in spring 2005 on the basis of the transnational cooperation requirement within Community Initiative IS EQUAL. CIPA.AT represents the autonomy in Italian town Pescara to achieve the dissemination of equal opportunities at european level.

Spanish Consorcio Via Verde realizes the project “Via Verde para la igualdad” (Green way for equality) targeting at development of activities which help to disseminate the equal opportunities in educational system, to promote women employment in sectors intended for men traditionally, to support enterprise in new labour areas for women and to create services for equality within the project.

Italian CIPA.AT implements project CELINE which is aimed to immigrant women particularly that followed their husbands to areas suffering from gender discrimination in the conditions for access to job. Italian project counts on creation of an information advisory multi-ethnical centre to help women adapt to new surroundings and integrate into the working process.
Representatives of each organization within the transnational cooperation get together on meetings which allow to change their experiences, to compare situation in each country and provide a space for professional debates about asserting the equal opportunities in labour area. We plan to arrange a transnational conference in Slovak Republic and Spain in year 2007 where the results of the project will be presented. This conference will be approachable for general public.

Transnational meeting in Sevilla, october 2007



Spanish partner:

Italian partner:

Slovak partner:

Transnational meeting in Zvolen, april 2007



Spanish partner:

Italian partner:

Slovak partner:

Transnational meeting in Pescara, June 2006

Transnational meeting in Seville, November 2005

16. November 2010 10:53, Združenie žien Slovenska